I took a class a couple of weeks ago where you make cards using printed napkins and wax. It is hard to explain but we tore the napkins and then used beeswax to create a card. I am not good at explaining techniques. My teacher was Rosemary Marino . Now I am on a quest for printed napkins.
Printed Paper Napkins
Clear Beeswax
Colored Beeswax
Red Line Tape
Sorry for the bad pictures I need to learn how to use Photoshop Elements so I can edit and crop them. Maybe I will get a new camera for Christmas.
Wow! These are gorgeous!
Very impressive!
Sounds like a COOL technique! It's amazing what materials you can use to create beautiful cards, isn't it?!?!
I'm still not sure how you made them, but they are fantastic!
Those look really really cool-I just got PSE last week- so when you learn all about it- will you teach me too.... PLEASE?! LOL
I would love to learn how to do encaustic wax cards. Yours are beautiful!
These are amazing! Napkins and wax, huh?! What a really cool idea! I will never look at a printed napkin the same again! Really nice job!
These are outstanding! Beautiful!
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